Meet Dr Sampson Tam

From the team

Sam moved to Albury, from Sydney, and we think he has adapted pretty well to the big change.

It was only the other day that he said, ‘Albury! Who would have thought’’. Which sort of, says it all. What he was saying was that he was surprised that Albury was fabulous, and he feels so at home here.

Sam has established a great group of friends, through his Church, Basketball, Ultimate Frisbee, and Cycling. And he’s even in a relationship now. Sam’s also taking advantage of the fact that Charles Sturt Uni is here in Albury and has started studies in Physio.

Sam has fitted right in and by all accounts is having an awesome time, and we love having him as a part of the Body Balance Team.

AND the best thing about Sam, we think is….. he is an awesome cook.

Growing up in a hospitality family, (his Mum & Dad, had Chinese restaurants in Sydney – he grew up waiting tables, taking orders and being an all-rounder in the kitchen), Sam has learnt some fabulous tricks of the trade from his Dad. Dinner at Sam’s is always a great.

From Dr. Sam

When I graduated from Uni, I worked in the disability sector, specifically with clients who had Cerebral Palsy. I think that the experience of working with those people has given me an appreciation of how important a sense of humour is and not taking oneself too seriously. I look back at that period in my life and feel very privileged to have had those relationships & friendships.

That experience I feel, has given me an added depth of understanding and empathy, when it comes to working with my Chiropractic patient’s now. And it has helped me be better at what I do, and how I go about helping my patients. I’ve worked out that it’s all about serving others.

My mission is to provide you with excellent Chiropractic care.

I am committed to listening to your concerns and helping you navigate through your health challenges to achieve your health goals. Many patient’s that I have seen, have said that they appreciate having things explained to them and they feel more empowered in making educated decisions when it comes to their health. Empowering and educating people to achieve their health goals, is what’s important to me, and delivering great Chiropractic care.

Techniques Used by Dr. Sam


Thompson Drop,

Soft Tissue techniques,

Dry Needling

Comprehensive & Effective Chiropractic care


549 Englehardt Street
Albury, NSW, 2640



Mon: 9 - 12 and 2 - 6.30
Tues: 8 - 12 and 2 - 6
Wed: 9 - 12 and 2 - 5.30
Thu: 8 - 12 and 2 - 6.30
Fri: 8 - 12 and 2 - 5

most Saturdays: 8 - 12

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